Learning outcomes - Foundations

Learning outcomes - Foundations (29 ECTS)

For the postgraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (and corresponding innovation project), four categories of learning outcomes have been defined. These four main learning outcomes can be filled in by a number of sub-learning outcomes, of which the choice depends on the innovation project. The possible sub-learning outcomes can be found below.

Learning outcomes

Entrepreneurial skills

Spotting opportunities

Showing motivation & perseverance

Taking the initiative 

Valuing ideas 

Following up on planning & management

Basic financial & economic literacy insights

Holistic vision of the project in the company

Innovation achievement

Ethical & sustainable thinking

Showing creativity

Strategic thinking (vision for the future)

Managing resources


Systems thinking

Personal development

Showing self-awareness & self-efficacy

Coping with ambiguity, uncertainty & risk

Learning through experience

Lifelong learning

Communication and cooperation

Working with others

Enthusing others

Communicating adequately

Meeting and negotiating adequately